Francis Jegede

Music & Dance


Francis Music & Dance Studio

I'm a songwriter and creative artist who combines academic writing with artistic musical production.

About Me

Having spent over three decades in academia (UK HE sector) and recently retired as University Professor (Associate) of International Relations and Diplomacy, I am now focusing on my passion for song-writing and music. I write lyrics and create uplifting music that inspires, motivates, and encourages people from all walks of life to dance, stay fit, maintain social connections and good relations with others. Through, what I call ‘Music Diplomacy’, I believe in the transformative power of music and dance, in connecting peoples across borders and beyond language or cultural barriers. My songs and music are aimed at improving emotional, physical, and social wellbeing of peoples around the world and to encourage peaceful co-existence and appreciation of many different cultures that constitute the human race. By promoting music and dance as a shared culture, particularly Salsa dancing, which I am most familiar with, I foster human and cultural relations within my community. Through my music and curated dance events, I provide a platform for people from differentbackground to socialise, connect, and have fun while promoting social wellbeing and good relations within my community.

Blending Latin tunes and Afro beats within the realms of Pop and Dance music, my music genre is a captivating fusion that sets the perfect atmosphere for various dance and motivational settings. From aerobic classes to Salsa dance parties, dance lessons, workshops, and cultural awareness events, my uplifting music sets the rhythm for celebrations, anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, team-building, and corporate social gatherings. With over two decades of experience in the Salsa dancing scene, in the UK, as a dancer, DJ, and event promoter, I appreciate and understand the essence of good music wherever it resonates. I firmly believe that "music sounds better when it's danced” with others in peace with love. I”m grateful to be able to spend more time on this important venture, at this stage of my career. You can listen to, play or stream my music from major music platforms in your country or follow me on social media. Please share the links to my songs below with your friends. Every song has underlying message of hope, love, and joy to share with others.

Music Studio

This song, "Love Garden", invites you into a world where love blooms like roses. It reminds us that every garden needs tending. Just like in love, we must keep clearing out the weeds, and nurture the goodness and beauty within us. Written as a harmonious blend of emotions that remind us of the importance of helping each other out in love, the song explores the essence of speaking, listening, communicating, caring, and sharing. The love garden thrives on tenderness and care. Let this song inspire you to nurture your own garden and let your heart blossom with love.

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Music Studio

This song is dedicated to those who navigate life's challenges and triumph against all odds. In a world where some are denied opportunities, silenced, or faced with obstacles, this song resonates with those who find their voices, stand up for what they believe, and achieve success despite adversity. It's a tribute to resilience, truth, and the unwavering spirit of those who dare to dream and make a difference. Listen to "Give Me a Chance" and be inspired to embrace your own journey towards greatness. It's a song about empowerment and inspiration, celebrating the strength and determination of those who dared to dream and succeeded.

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Music Studio

Introducing "¿Cómo te llamas?" - a vibrant Salsa and tropical tune that delves beyond names and origins. In a world defined by "What's your name?" and "Where are you from?" this song celebrates the love, warmth, kindness, and friendships that unite us as one human race. Let's embrace the connections that truly matter and dissolve the barriers that divide us. Wherever you are in the world, join me on a musical journey of togetherness and unity with ¿Cómo te llamas?

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Music Studio

Introducing 'Addiction: Not Anymore' - a song dedicated to those battling the complexities of addiction. Acknowledging that willpower alone may not always be enough, this song stands with those striving to break free from the chains of addiction and aiming to carve a new, brighter future for themselves. Let’s support those on addiction recovery on their journey of strength, resilience, and transformation. Let this song inspire all those affected to overcome and rise above addiction.

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Music Studio

This new song pays tribute to the unwavering strength, boundless love, and guidance of mothers. It’s a heartfelt and a moving ode to the pillars of our lives, highlighting mother’s pivotal role in providing us with hope, home, and security. Through every storm, mothers stand by us, offering security and wisdom as we navigate life's journey. Whether they're still with us or watching over us from above, let’s show gratitude and honour the remarkable bond and memories we share with our mothers.

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Music Studio

This song titled ‘Make Hay While the Sun Shines’ resonates with the essence of seizing opportunities when they arise. In a world filled with challenges and chances for growth, this song reminds us to act wisely and promptly to reach our full potential. Embrace the wisdom it shares, guiding you to make the most of each moment, directing your energy towards the right actions at the right time. Let this song inspire you to grasp opportunities, learn from challenges, and create a brighter future for yourself, your loved ones, and society at large.

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Music Studio

Introducing "Imagine," a song that beckons us to envision a world brimming with peace and harmony. In a world marred by conflicts and turmoil, this song serves as a poignant reminder of our collective yearning for peace. Let's dare to dream of a planet where differences are bridged without the shadow of war, where love and compassion reign, fostering a harmonious existence. I imagined a new world and a better future for our children where harmony triumphs, and nations coexist without strife. Let's collectively dream and strive for a fresh beginning - a world where East meets West, North embraces South, resolving differences through dialogue rather than warfare. Join me in this vision for a safer, more peaceful, and harmonious world.

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This new song "Where Were You?" is dedicated to those looking for or waiting for that special someone they could rely on in good times and in challenging times. It could feel a bit lonely if someone we love, is not there when we need them most. Everyday, not just on Valentine's Day. let's cherish those close to us and show love and thoughtfulness. Let's be faithful and supportive to our loved ones. Whether single, searching, or in a relationship, let's stand by each other, and be there for one another, especially in times of need. Happy Valentine's Day to all!

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Music Studio

Relationship break-up is never easy nor simple. Whatever the reason, this could be very painful, saddening, and distressing with great feelings of guilt, loss or failure. This song, ‘Still in Love’, is dedicated to all those facing challenges or difficulties in their relationships and are trying to stay on and make it work. It's a heartfelt testament to enduring affection of love and the unwavering commitment to a cherished bond. Join me in celebrating love's resilience. The song is a melody that encapsulates the depth of commitment, the essence of perseverance, and the beauty of unwavering love. Through storm and calm, the lyrics echo the resolute commitment to love, stay together and never falter. Let's cherish the enduring power of love together.

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Music Studio

Introducing "Come With Me" - a musical journey that invites you to shed the weight of worries, doubts, and fears. Life's baggage can hold us back, but this song is a call to let go and embrace the freedom to dream big and explore new horizons. Listen to this uplifting song, set yourself free and unlock your full potential. Let the music take you on a liberating adventure, leaving behind unnecessary worries, anxiety, self-doubts and step into a world of limitless possibilities. Embrace the journey and let "Come With Me" be your soundtrack to liberation.

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Music Studio

The first day of a new year is perfect for a fresh start, and my new song, ‘No More Procrastination’ embodies that spirit. It's time to stand up, take charge, and pursue your dreams with unwavering determination. It's time to turn the page and ignite the fire within you to make necessary change in your life. Make this year count! Stop waiting and start doing! Whatever your goal, chase your dreams in your personal, professional, and social lives.

Let this song inspire you to embark on a journey of self-improvement and give you the strength to stand up, act, and seize every opportunity to grow. Break free from procrastination and dive into action, today. Bid farewell to idling, chase your dreams and make 2024 the year of transformation and fulfilment.

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Music Studio

This song is a reminder never to give up believing in yourself. No matter what obstacles you face, remember that you possess an inner strength that is greater than you may think. Stay strong and firm in your convictions.

Life may not always go the way you want it to, but that doesn't mean you should lose sight of what you have within yourself. Keep your head held high. You can overcome anything that comes your way.

Believe in your abilities and stay true to who you are.

Trials may test you, but they also provide an opportunity for growth. When the road ahead seems filled with obstacles, don't let them deter you. Find the strength within to remain calm and composed. Your determination will guide you through the toughest storms.

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Music Studio

"Be Kind to Me" is a song about the power of kindness, compassion, empathy, and understanding. Considering the current situation in international affairs and given a world that can sometimes feel so cold and cruel, this song is a gentle reminder for us all to embrace kindness and spread positivity. Hope the melodies and lyrics of the song touch your heart and inspire you to be kind to others, regardless of what you may think of them.

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Music Studio

This new song reminds us that Salsa dancing is for everyone. It's the dance that unites us and strengthens our bonds. No matter where you're from, your social status, your political views or ideology, salsa dancing brings us together. Salsa is a dance of love. As we groove together, let's embrace kindness and compassion. Kindness empowers us and makes us stronger, both on and off the dance floor. As we move our feet to the rhythm, let's ignite love in our hearts. Let kindness guide our every step, as we spread the love of Salsa to others. Together, we can create a world where love and kindness reign supreme. A world where we dance together instead of hating or fighting each other. Get ready to dance, connect, and experience the joy of dancing.

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Music Studio

When I first started dancing Salsa many years ago, it was Casino Rueda that stole my heart. This inclusive group dance, where everyone joins in with their partner, dancing in circular motion in response to the calls of the group leader, spoke volumes to me. It embodies my vision of a world where people, regardless of their backgrounds, come together on the dance floor, embracing the joy of life with ONE LOVE. This song is a heartfelt tribute to all the Rueda de Casino enthusiasts who share the same passion and belief in the power of unity. The song celebrates the rich history, traditions, and diverse cultures of salsa dancing nations around the world.

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Music Studio

In a world filled with ups and downs, we all long for that one person who stands by our side through thick and thin. This song, "Stay with Me," celebrates the incredible power of love, loyalty, commitment, and unwavering support. Through the joyous moments and the stormy seas, the song reminds us of the profound blessing it is to have someone special by our side. Life is a journey of shared experiences, and this song resonates with those who understand the value of standing strong together.

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Music Studio

This song reminds us that we don't need to change who we are to gain acceptance or affection from others. There is virtue in staying true to yourself, acknowledging your flaws, and remaining authentic. With a message of self-empowerment and self-love, this song encourages you to embrace your unique qualities, strengths, flaws, weaknesses, disabilities, and limitations. These are the very traits that make you special. As the world around you constantly changes, the song encourages you to believe in yourself. Don't be swayed by trends or societal pressures; instead, hold onto your genuine self and let it shine through. Accept and love everyone for who they are.

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Music Studio

It's not enough to simply love; we must go beyond and constantly remind our loved ones that they are cherished and valued. Through our actions and spoken words, we have the power to make people feel truly loved for who they are. This new song celebrates the beauty of embracing imperfections and loving people unconditionally. No matter their flaws, imperfections, and shortcomings, we can choose to love, understand, and keep strong connections with people, especially our loved ones. Together, we can create a world where everyone feels valued and cherished.

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Music Studio

Every new day offers us the opportunity to be grateful for what we have and thankful for the gift of life. This song captures the essence of embracing a new day and life's endless possibilities. Whether you're starting a new chapter, overcoming obstacles, or simply seeking inspiration, this song invites you to fill your world with hope and happiness. With its vibrant beats and positive lyrics, this song will lift your spirit, brighten day, and ignite a sense of boundless optimism. Start your new day or your new journey to a world filled with love, hope, happiness, and endless possibilities. Let the melody of this song takes you on a musical journey to celebrate new beginnings and the beauty of each day.

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Music Studio

Some of us are stuck in our past and never let go. Past experiences can teach us great lessons, we also need to learn to let go and move on in life. Self-care requires we stop holding onto, talking about, or moaning about our past all the time. Sometimes, we just need to move on. This requires; working on ourselves; finding peace within; stop worrying; believing in ourselves and with hope and confidence, look forward to a new and brighter future. This new song encourages us to leave behind our past disappointments, pains, sadness, sorrow, etc. We just need to ‘Let it Go’.

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Music Studio

Introducing "Be Happy," a powerful new song that embraces the challenges of life and encourages happiness in ourselves and others. Life's difficulties can sometimes bring us down, make us feel sad and dispirited. This song reminds us of the countless ways we can stay happy and spread joy to those around us. By taking actions today, we can create a happier world for ourselves and everyone. Through love, honesty, truth, fairness, social justice, and acts of kindness, we can achieve true happiness for ourselves and others around us.


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Music Studio

However challenging the situation, you may be going through right now, I hope this new song offers some hope that ‘everything will be alright’. As a tribute to the resilience of human spirit, the song reminds us that no matter what life throws our way or at us, we can overcome it. With patience, courage, faith and belief in yourself, everything will be alright. Things will come together for good for you.


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Music Studio

Introducing our sensational new song, "Dance with Me"! Experience the magic of dancing, where every step becomes a symphony of love and joy. This captivating melody is designed to ignite your spirit and entice you to sway to its enchanting rhythm. Join us on this musical journey as we celebrate the beauty of connection and the exhilaration of dancing with someone special. Let "Dance with Me" be the soundtrack to your most cherished moments on the dance floor. Get ready to move, groove, and let the music take control.

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Music Studio

Human relations are fraught with conflicts, mistrust, and misunderstandings. It’s often too easy to give up on love and to walk away when things don’t go well. This song is inspired by the need to love and carry on loving, whatever the situation. We need to love more and hate less. Love brings hope, joy, healing and warmth to the giver and the receiver even at tough times. Keep loving and never give up on yourself and others.


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Music Studio

This song celebrates indigenous and tribal peoples around the world. Indigenous/tribal people greatly respect and value their land, forests, brooks, rivers, oceans, animals, wildlife, and other creatures upon which their livelihood and survival depend. The close connection and interdependence between these people and their natural environment and the sustainable ways in which they farm, live, work and play within their natural environment offers great lessons for us all. So, let’s dance with, and celebrate indigenous and tribal peoples around the world


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Music Studio

This song, "Family Boogie Party" celebrates families in all their traditional and modern formations. Families are the cornerstone of society, providing a sense of belonging, support, and love that is essential for our well-being. Whatever their compositions, sizes, or arrangements, families constitute an important part of human society, providing a sense of stability and consistency in a world that is often uncertain and unpredictable. Families constitute an important source of strength, support, in good times and in bad times.


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Music Studio

Introducing "Make it Real" - a song that ignites your belief and inspires you to chase your dreams. With its captivating melody and powerful lyrics, this uplifting anthem reminds us that dreams do come true, if we have the courage to make them real. Immerse yourself in the magic of "Make it Real" and let it fuel your determination to pursue your passions. Don't just dream, make it real with this incredible new song.


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Music Studio

Introducing our sensational new song, "Dance with Me"! Experience the magic of dancing, where every step becomes a symphony of love and joy. This captivating melody is designed to ignite your spirit and entice you to sway to its enchanting rhythm. Join us on this musical journey as we celebrate the beauty of connection and the exhilaration of dancing with someone special. Let "Dance with Me" be the soundtrack to your most cherished moments on the dance floor. Get ready to move, groove, and let the music take control.

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Music Studio

Get ready to unleash your inner dancer with this new timing track “Step in Time". This vibrant track is tailor-made for all the salsa enthusiasts out there who want to groove to irresistible beats and ignite their passion for dance. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn salsa or an experienced instructor, this song is your ultimate partner on the dance floor to keep your feet tapping and your body moving. The song captures the essence and rhythm of salsa dancing to help both newcomers and seasoned dancers find the beats in Salsa music.

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Dance Studio

Celebrating 'Salsafuntherapy':

Transforming Lives Through Salsa Dancing!

Join in the celebration of Salsafuntherapy, an organisation founded by Francis Jegede

For over 20 years, Francis has dedicated himself to hosting and promoting salsa dancing events in the Midlands, United Kingdom, igniting a spark of passion in countless hearts along the way. Salsafuntherapy is not just about dance; it's a movement that promotes physical and social wellbeing within the community.

With every salsa step, we create an opportunity for people to express themselves, keep fit, and stay healthy. Since its inception, Salsafuntherapy has been at the forefront of promoting Latin Dance in the UK, offering a wide range of exceptional events, parties, and entertainment.

What truly sets Salsafuntherapy apart is its unwavering support for local talent and businesses. We pride ourselves on embracing and promoting DJs, Dance Teachers, Performing Artists—those who bring life to our events. By providing a platform for these talented individuals, we raise their profiles, showcase their skills, and create a vibrant network of collaboration within our community.

To see the magic that unfolds at Salsafuntherapy, we invite you to explore Salsafuntherapy YouTube Channel for curated videos. There, you will find a collection of dazzling events hosted by Francis over the years. From heart-pounding performances to infectious energy on the dance floor, these videos capture the essence of Salsafuntherapy's vibrant atmosphere and serve as a testament to the joy it brings to all who participate.

Salsafuntherapy is a haven for seasoned dancers and beginners alike. Our inclusive and welcoming environment ensures that everyone feels at home, as they embark on a salsa journey that will uplift their spirits and transform their lives.

So. let's celebrate Salsafuntherapy’s contribution and the tremendous impact it has made on our community. Together, we dance, we grow, and we thrive.



Dance Studio

With Guests:


Gary Thomas


Jayne Turpin



Dance Studio

Salsa Dance




Dance Studio

Salsa Dance




Dance Studio

Salsa Dance




Dance Studio

With Guests:



Dance Troupe



Dance Studio

With Guest:


Lee Hunter



Dance Studio

With Guests:

Tamba Hissirou

& Rueda Dance




Dance Studio

With Guests:




Mambonito Dance Group



Dance Studio

Salsa Dance




Dance Studio

Salsa Dance




Dance Studio

With Guests:


Mauricio Reyes



Dance Studio

With Guest:


Rohan Brown



Dance Studio

With Guests:




Mambonito Dance Group



Dance Studio

With Guests:


Miguel; Trudy Williams

DJ Mani


DJ Ruivo



Dance Studio

Salsa Dance




Dance Studio

With Guests:

El Nico





Dance Studio

With Guest:


Tamba Hissirou




Dance Studio

With Guest:

Rohan Brown



Dance Studio

With Guests:


Gary Thomas


Jayne Turpin



Dance Studio

Salsa Dance




Dance Studio

Salsa Fun Dance




Dance Studio

Salsa Fun Dance




Dance Studio


Dance Party



Dance Studio


Dance Party



Dance Studio

Salsa Dancing Tip 1

Timing, Steps



Dance Studio

Thank You Lettering

To all Artists, DJs, Dance Teachers, Musicians, performing Artists, Promoters, and Dancers, who have worked with us over the years.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to every one of you for being an integral part of Salsafuntherapy's incredible journey. Your immense talent, dedication, and passion have made our dance organisation thrive and brought joy to countless lives.

To the artists, thank you for sharing your beautiful creations, captivating us with your performances, and inspiring us with your artistic expression. Your talent has uplifted our spirits and enriched our dance community.

Thank You Lettering

Dance Studio

To the DJs, thank you for your incredible music selection, ​keeping the dance floor alive with energy and setting the perfect ​vibe. Your beats have kept us moving and grooving, creating ​unforgettable moments on the dance floor.

To the dance teachers, thank you for your expertise, and ​commitment to sharing your knowledge and love for dance. You ​have nurtured and guided countless dancers, helping them ​discover their potential and grow both as individuals and as part ​of our community.

To the musicians, thank you for gracing us with your melodious ​tunes, infusing warmth and rhythm into our dance sessions. Your ​talent has created a harmonious atmosphere, allowing us to ​connect with the music on a deeper level.

Thank You Lettering

Dance Studio

To the performing artists, thank you for bringing our events to life with your fantastic performances. Your creativity, skill, and dedication have left us in awe and provided moments of pure magic for our audiences.

To the promoters, thank you for working behind the scenes, supporting us, sharing our events on social media, spreading good word about our organisation. Your efforts have ensured that our dance community continues to thrive and grow.

And finally, to the dancers, thank you for your passion, enthusiasm, and unwavering support. You are the heartbeat of Salsafuntherapy, and your energy and love for dance have created a vibrant and inclusive community that we are truly proud of.

Dance Studio

Together, you have made Salsafuntherapy's journey an extraordinary one. Your contributions have touched lives, created memories, and brought people together through the power of dance. Thank you for being a part of our story and for making Salsafuntherapy the incredible organisation.

Francis Jegede

Founder of Salsafuntherapy

With deepest appreciation!

Now Join Me On My New ​Music Project Journey!

Listen to, Share, Like

My Songs & Follow Me on:

Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, etc.

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